The Challenge:
With the Opioid Epidemic gripping the country, the Wyoming Department of Health and Prevention Management Organization (PMO) needed to find a better way to engage residents to properly donate or destroy their unused medications. They needed a dynamic system that could adapt in real time as locations were added, and that empowered residents to properly rid themselves of potentially dangerous medications after completing use.
The Execution:
The Sylvestri Customization team in partnership with the Wyoming PMO developed a novel automated texting line that automatically responded to users with maps to the closest drop box locations. The text line was designed to be flexible to add new locations, keywords, and maps as the program expanded. It also facilitated real-time analytics to connect education outcomes with location-based impact.
The Result:
To date, this system has been used nearly 1,000 times across nearly all of Wyoming’s counties. The impact of this system is notable for the sheer volume of medication disposed of, while simultaneously reducing marketing costs across the state.